Friday, August 21, 2009

Vacation 2009

We were very blessed to go on vacation in Scottsdale, Arizona this past week. We were able to visit a few western towns and just spend some quality time together!

Tyson locked up in the wagon.

Riding the train at "Rawhide".

Zachary riding the train with his shades on.

The stagecoach rode by us while we were on the train.

Tyson chilling in the child-size wagon.

Tyson hanging out with the actors from one of the shows.

We got Tyson a cowboy hat and a play pistol, he was so excited to be a cowboy!

Then we went to a ghost town and this mountain is called the "Superstition" Mountain.

Here are some things we saw while riding their train ride.

We were able to go into a mine which was really neat, and was a few degrees cooler too!

This is the toilet they used to use, yuck!

This is how much light a miner would have had at the time, crazy.

A view of the ghost town.

The train station at the ghost town.

Tyson with his cowboy boots on, he calls them his "man boots" and he says they make him walk like a man, too cute!