Friday, October 26, 2007

This is a video that we put together back around June of our little Titans (as his cousin Elesha calls him).
We hope you are able to view and enjoy!
Love you guys!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fire Update

Well, after three days of being stuck in the house, we are now able to go to work tomorrow morning. We were able to spend some quality time with Tyson and to clean the house..... There were several fires on base and a lot of the gates and roads were closed down. We never lost our electricity, we just mainly had the smoke and everything stinks now. It was pretty crazy walking outside and being able to see one of the fires last night, but the Lord truly blessed us and kept us safe!


Tyson started teething again this weekend. As you can see here in his Sunday clothes he was already feeling icky. I think he has about two or three teeth coming in. His day care called me at work on Monday and told me that he was running 103.3! He has been running a fever until yesterday but is feeling better now!

Chillin' His New Pajamas

Tyson got a new toy box for his toys, he was so overwhelmed when he looked inside, he didn't know what to play with first!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mommy and Tyson

Ok everyone, here are pictures of Tyson and me, as requested.....
We want to say thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers as the fires are coming close to us, but the Lord has blessed and we are just getting some smoke and a tad bit of ash. Tyson and I had some time together and will have more tomorrow because they aren't having everyone come into work due to the fires. Thanks again and we will talk to ya'll soon!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Leon and Tyson at Church

This was taken last Sunday at church when Leon was helping direct traffic in the parking lot. He likes to take Tyson out there for extra help....... aren't they so handsome?!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We took Tyson to the doctor this week for his six month appointment, he was 19 lbs., 12 oz. and 27 1/4 inches. He now has three teeth and is able to pull himself up on his knees!!!

Eating Out

We went out to eat last night and Tyson did so well, he sat in the high chair and played the whole time. He was so good, the waiter gave him some ice cream at the end and he loved it! Here he is eating a chip, but we had to take it away because he started to bite it into pieces!

Tyson's New Hat

We were getting ready for day care today and Tyson had new outfit on, so I thought I would take some pictures. He got this outfit the day of his surgery for his "new look".


Tyson has learned to say yay and to clap his hands, the funniest thing is that he doesn't know when the right time to clap his hands is so he claps when he gets upset and cries! He is also learning sign language and has picked up the sign milk (Debbie, I am trying to get you a video!).

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Tyson LOVES books, it is so cute to watch him look at books, he will even sit there and let me read to him, it's so fun! Here he is reading his first Bible.

Tyson and the Wooden Spoon

He is on his way to becoming a chef.... well, it will take some work.

Tyson and His Pacifier

Tyson enjoys playing with his pacifier, the video is kind of long, but it is really cute!

Monday, October 1, 2007

New Things

Tyson has been learning a lot of new things this week, he is eating cookies, learning to drink out of a sippy cup and sign language (wink wink Auntie Debbie!). To get him to learn how to drink from his cup, I gave him his formula in it, he did pretty good!

And here are the yummy cookies..... and the mess!!