Monday, August 25, 2008

Tyson's Jungle-Gym!

This is Tyson's new jungle-gym, I found it at a garage sale for $25!
He enjoys going down the slide as you can tell in the video below. And the bandaid on his head is because he has a mosquito bite and can't seem to stop scratching it!

Tyson Lucas

Okay, so I thought I would do an update on Tyson since he changes so much all the time.
He is 17 months already and has started running, its pretty funny because he puts his hands under his armpits and looks like he is doing the chicken dance whenever he runs, too cute!
He talks all the time and says so many new things, a few things that I can think of that he says is juice, hot dog, momma, dada, hi, hello, bye, push, uh-oh, no-no, bird, more, amen, and I know there is more but I can't think of them all, he also signs a lot of things too.
He knows how to pray now so when we pray for a meal he folds his hands and he will also talk so its like he says his own little prayer and then he says amen at the end! 
He knows animal sounds now for birds, cows, lions, dinosaurs and dogs. It is so funny to ask them what they say and then he makes the noise, too cute!
There is so much more that he does but I can't even begin to name them all!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Random Pictures

Tyson wearing Leon's cover, doesn't he look so handsome?
I know it's kind of blurry, but this is Leon and Tyson helping me clean up the nursery one Sunday after church, too cute!

Washing the Car

Tyson decided to help Leon wash the car this weekend, he just picked up the towel and started drying it just like daddy!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Update

Hello everyone!
Well, we are now 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant! The official due date is March 1st.
I am starting to feel a little bit better, but I still have my off days.......
I had my first doctors appointment yesterday and they did an ultrasound, unfortunately I can't post them because you can barely see the baby even when you are looking at it in person. Anyways, there is only ONE baby and he/she kept moving all over the place so the doctors were very happy to see so much movement already. 
We should be finding out around early October what we are having, so please be thinking of boy names, we already have a girl name but we definitely need help with boy names!