Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bowl of Delicious

Tonight Tyson was eating chips and salsa and somehow he learned to call it delicious. Then he decided to tell me that it was a bowl of delicious! It was so cute, and just so you know, the freaking out in the video is because he heard the ice maker.

Train Show

This weekend after Leon took his family to the airport, we went to a train show in Perris, California. Tyson had a blast, although in the pictures he doesn't look like he had a great because he was so tired, but he really did have fun! We couldn't figure out what he was saying for a while, it sounded like he was saying, "I'm bored", but finally we realized that his Grandpa Lucas had taught him to say, "All Aboard", and that's what he was saying the whole time, too cute!

The Living Desert

These are some pictures from when Grandma and Grandpa Lucas and cousin Elesha were visiting last week. We went to Palm Springs to the Living Desert. They had a blast!

You can't tell, but they are looking at a huge train set, and as you can imagine, Tyson was so excited!


A guy from Leon's work let us borrow his 4-wheeler, as you can tell, Tyson has enjoyed "riding" it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Recent Pictures

I apologize, but I am the only mother in the world who didn't bring the camera to church on Easter, I am sorry! But here are some recent pictures of our family. I just thought I would add a picture of the beautiful flowers that my wonderful husband got me last week!
Zachary sleeping in this morning, he gets so hot when he sleeps that he sweats everywhere, so he usually sleeps in either just a diaper or a onesie. 
Tyson being adorable!
Zach hanging out in his favorite place, the swing! He had just taken a bath and his hair looks so cute and curly but then it goes flat when it dries.
Okay, I think he looks just like my dad here, maybe it is just that his hair is curly.

I was sick this week, so Tyson had a great Monday. He had two juice cups, a sandwich and his favorite crackers while watching his favorite show, Diego!
These are from when Aunt Debbie was here, she wrapped Zachary up so cute!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
