Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Boys' Pictures

Here are the pictures we had taken of the boys, this one is my favorite!

This one was so sweet, unfortunately you can't see Zach's face, but Tyson went over and kissed his hand on his own, we were telling him to hold on to the basket, but he wanted to kiss his hand, too adorable!


Stephanie said...

These are GREAT! Where is the picture of mommy and the boys?

Isaac & Bethany said...

Mary, these are GREAT pictures! Hope you all are doing well. ttyl

Jenny said...

Hey mary,
Thanks for sharing zack with me he is so sweet I will hold him anytime..Hope you had a great time at the shower I sure did...
Jenny Sherwood

Anonymous said...

We think these pictures are awesome! Keep posting - love to stay in touch :) Jen and Jon

TJW said...

Yeah, all my cousins have the prettiest babies. I love the sibling pics when they're little. That only lasts so long, then they start hitting one another between takes. I am trying to get Mom online, but she can't seem to get a high speed connection working at her house. As soon as she's online, I'm going to help her figure out how to follow your blog, too.