Monday, December 13, 2010

Family Update

Hello friends and family, please forgive me for me prolonged absence! So much has been happening with our family! I am still going to school full time, but just ended this semester and I am looking forward to a good break with the boys. Tyson is doing great, he is learning so much and is so much fun to be around. He is now to the point where he enjoys telling "knock-knock" jokes and even though they don't make sense to us, he thinks they're hilarious. Zachary is also doing great! He is getting so big and is very curious. He is learning so many new words and is learning a little sign language along with it for easier communication with us. We also have a new addition, his name is Mandel, and his picture is above! I am active on Facebook, but I really want to try to do better on here to give family updates.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Updated Pictures

My sweet buddy, full of personality and energy!
Here he is helping me make peanut butter playdough!
He just received a letter from his cousin Elesha, he was so excited!
Zachary taking a nap, in a very uncomfortable position!

My very energetic and curious boy, full of life!
Zachary watching the fireworks on the 4th of July. He slept most of the time but then the fireworks woke him up and he loved them.
Tyson sticking his head out of the moon-roof to watch the fireworks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Poor Tyson

This is Tyson's sad face when he didn't get what he wanted. He's so stinking cute even when he is being a brat!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Family Update

Well, it has been quite a while since I have posted anything, I'm sorry! As you can see, I have given our blog a "facelift". Our little family is doing well, Tyson will be 3 years old in late March and is still not potty trained! He is a bundle of personality and just the sweetest little thing, and has super great manners. Zachary will be 1 in early March and now has 6 teeth and is sleeping through the night in his crib. He won't take naps in his crib, but we have night time down! Zachary isn't quite walking yet, but he is almost there. He loves to eat most everything and is super cuddly. While taking these pictures, Zach kept hearing his big brother say, "Cheese!", so he followed and would say it too, it was so adorable!
I hope you enjoy these pictures and the quick update on the boys, I will try to do better uploading pictures and keeping up to date.